
Web applications often need to change behaviour according to user-configurable settings.

Similar to Symfony parameters, settings in Perform are values identified with a unique key. Their values can be set dynamically and per-user.

Get and set values

The SettingsManagerInterface has methods to get and set values of settings:

  • getValue($key, $default = null) - get a value, returning a default value if not found.
  • getRequiredValue($key) - get a value, throwing an exception if not found.
  • setValue($key, $value) - set a value.

Values can be any serializable php type.

You can inject the perform_base.settings_manager service manually into your services, or with autowiring by typehinting against Perform\BaseBundle\Settings\Manager\SettingsManagerInterface.


use Perform\BaseBundle\Settings\Manager\SettingsManagerInterface;

class SomeService
    protected $settings;

    public function __construct(SettingsManagerInterface $settings)
        $this->settings = $settings;

    public function doStuff()
        $perPage = $this->settings->getValue('items_per_page', 10);

        $this->settings->setValue('items_per_page', 20);

        $language = $this->settings->getRequiredValue('lang');
        // whoops! \Perform\BaseBundle\Exception\SettingNotFoundException thrown