
Notifications are represented by the Perform\NotificationBundle\Notification class.

They require a list of recipients, a notification ‘type’, and an array of context variables.

Use the perform_notification.notifier service, an instance of Perform\NotificationBundle\Notifier\Notifier, to send these notifications.


$recipient = new User('');
$notification = new Notification($recipient, 'special_offer', ['expires' => new \DateTime('+7 days')]);
/* @var Perform\NotificationBundle\Notifier\Notifier $notifier */
$notifier->send($notification, ['sms']);

This will send a special_offer notification to our fictional User entity, passing in an expires datetime object to use when sending.

Recipients must implement Perform\NotificationBundle\Recipient\RecipientInterface. The bundle supplies a SimpleRecipient class, but you’ll most likely want to have your user entity implement this interface.

The PerformUserBundle User entity also implements this interface.


The notifier delegates the actual sending of notifications to publishers. Each publisher will have a different method of sending, such as email, SMS, or storing in a database.

Use the second argument of Notifier#send() to specify the publishers to send the notification with.


//send using the email publisher
$notifier->send($notification, ['email']);

//send using the email and local publishers
$notifier->send($notification, ['email', 'local']);

Context variables

Different publishers require certain keys in the $context array to be set.

For example, the email publisher requires the ‘subject’ context variable to set the email subject.


$notification = new Notification($recipient, 'welcome');
$notifier->send($notification, ['email']);
// error! missing subject

$notification = new Notification($recipient, 'welcome', ['subject' => 'Welcome to our app']);
$notifier->send($notification, ['email']);
// notification sent successfully


Most publishers will use a Perform\NotificationBundle\Renderer\RendererInterface instance to generate the content of the notifications.

Most commonly used is the TwigRenderer, which uses twig templates.

It will load notification/<notification_type>/<publisher_name>.html.twig, or @<Bundle>/notification/<notification_type>/<publisher_name>.html.twig if the notification type matches the form <Bundle>:<type>.

The bundle syntax allows for an application to override notification templates in a bundle.

For example, to override the Vendor:welcome notification template for the email publisher, create app/Resources/VendorBundle/views/notification/welcome/email.html.twig.

A rendered template will be passed variables from the $context array. The following variables will be supplied too:

  • currentRecipient - The recipient for this message (a notification may be sent to many recipients).
  • notification - The notification object.